Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Group studies its legal options

Early immersion Reversal of decision wanted ASAP

Published Tuesday April 8th, 2008
Appeared on page A1

A lobby group opposed to the elimination of New Brunswick's early immersion program is weighing its legal options. Rob Hoadley, spokesman for Citizens for Education Choice, said the group's goal is to take legal action that will affect the upcoming school year.

"We're consulting with lawyers on avenues of legal recourse," Hoadley said. "Our legal team is preparing a legal challenge to the decision. "At this point, we're just making sure we have all the documentation we need. Whatever we decide to do, it's going to happen fast."


Hoadley said he and other members of the group have been writing to MLAs, and Members of Parliament, along with sending opinion letters to newspapers throughout the province.

"We're not going away," Hoadley said of the citizens' group. "If the government thinks we've been vocal to this point, they should know we're only just getting started."

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