Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Report of the Ombudsman into the Minister of Education’s decision to modify the French Second Language Curriculum

Ombudsman and Child and Youth Advocate
June 2008

Click here to link to the report that comes out strongly supporting the concerns and comments of so many New Brunswickers.

A few excerpts

"Jurisdiction and Scope of Investigation

On April 3, 2008, my notice of investigation summarized the main areas of investigation under the following headings:

  • Unfairness stemming from a lack of consultation
  • Unfairness due to insufficient notice prior to implementation
  • Decision premised upon a mistake of fact arising from errors in statistical
    analysis and other factual errors
  • Failure to consider all the evidence before the Commissioners and before the
  • Bias arising from an alleged pre-determination of the consultation outcomes
  • Determination of FSL policy on the basis of irrelevant grounds or considerations,
    or for an improper purpose
  • Failure to consider commitments of citizen engagement in the government
    response to the Commission on Legislative Democracy


It is recommended that:

  1. The Minister immediately confirm plans with the school districts to allow parents to register Grade one students in French immersion in September.
  2. The Government defer the consultation announced by Minister Lamrock and delay implementation of the elimination of early French immersion until September 2009, pending the outcome of a public engagement process as outlined in the provincial government’s recent report, authored by the province’s Advisor on Public Engagement, Don Lenihan, and entitled: “It’s More than Talk: Listen, Learn and Act: A New Model for Public Engagement.” Further, that the services of a highly qualified consultant, such as Mr. Lenihan, be retained to carry out the process, concluding in time for the next (2009-2010) school year."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just read it, pages 7-8 left a very bad taste in my mouth, I think Mr. Richard summed it up well.