Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Canadian Parents for French calls for one-year moratorium


The New Brunswick branch of Canadian Parents for French is calling for a one-year moratorium on any changes to early French immersion and early core French.

The group is also requesting that a working group of French second-language experts and researchers be established - similar to the working group that was set up to look at post-secondary education - to develop the best possible French second-language plan for the province.

"We know the system has to be fixed, but that doesn't mean slash and burn, and eliminating programs that produce a high level of French proficiency, like early French immersion," said Jane Keith, the group's executive director.

She said parents aren't comfortable with Education Minister Kelly Lamrock heading up another round of consultation.

"Lamrock needs to put the brakes on and remove himself from the debate," said Keith.

"He's too enmeshed in the issue to be impartial. We need impartial French second-language experts and researchers to give us good, solid, trustworthy advice this time around."
Click here to link to article.

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