Friday, June 13, 2008

Be a part of it. A discussion paper for New Brunswickers.

Minister Lamrock's discussion paper is now out. Excerpts of particular significance from Minister Lamrock's document (click here to link to document):

"5. The Judicial Review
Some parents felt that the consultation period had not been sufficient for a number of reasons, and made application for a judicial review of the decision to eliminate the Early French Immersion program. On June 11, 2008 a judicial ruling was made that the Minister’s decision be “quashed”. Effectively, this means that the Minister’s previous decision to eliminate Early French Immersion is void and no longer applies. However, the matter of dealing with the Croll Lee Report recommendations was remitted to the Minister, who has decided to re-visit those recommendations.

6. Next Steps - Consultation
In reconsidering the Croll Lee recommendations, the Minister has committed to six weeks of consultation, ending on July 25, 2008. You are therefore asked to consider the challenges presented here, and to present your submissions, comments or proposals to the Minister either electronically or in paper copy, on or before July 25, 2008.

In addition to receiving written submissions, comments or proposals, the Minister will actively engage in the consultation process by meeting with interested groups or individuals. He will also review all comments, submissions and queries as they are received, so that he is fully informed at all times. After this additional period of consultation, the Minister will make recommendations to government. Government’s decision will be announced publicly on August 5, 2008."

Bloggers' comment: We look forward to "being a part of it". Hopefully the debate will be open and that the $100,000 spent on the communication report* will now pay dividends.

*Click here to link to: "It’s More Than Talk Listen, Learn and Act A New Model for Public Engagement The Final Report of the Public Engagement Initiative April 2008"

1 comment:

Skinny Dipper said...

I'll just make a general comment. If New Brunswick needs to get rid of Early French Immersion and early Core French in order to improve English literacy, then the province also needs to get rid of phys. ed., art, music, drama, social studies, and science. Two-thirds of the day could be devoted to language arts; the other third could be devoted to mathematics.