Thursday, July 24, 2008

Taking some time off in Quebec

Hi all. Forgot to sign off on Tuesday, too busy packing.
Will be back on Monday ready to blog.

Have you sent in your submission to Minister Lamrock?
If not, please do so -- Friday is the deadline.


Skinny Dipper said...

Here's a link to a Policy Options article about EFI by J. Douglas Willms. Scroll down to "The case for universal French instruction" by J. Douglas Willms. He advocates for the government proposal.

To "Hamlit", have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys - enjoy your much deserved rest! Regardless of what decision is brought down by the Minister on August 5th, you two should be proud of the increadible effort you have put in. The citizens and parents of NB owe you a big debt of gratitude.

Tim Jackson